Thursday, 3 October 2013

Individual Task - Costume/Setting/Props e.t.c

Illustration in a music video is a prominent aspect, as it can give the viewer a sense of the music genre, as well as possibly target an audience of aspirers; those who look up to the artist and may the viewer may aspire to be like them, in terms of fashion.

An urban artist who is accessible to an audience of aspirers is Katy B...

Her dress sense within her video is mainly hight street fashion, which allows the viewer to either copy or model their style on her clothing choices. I aim to abide by this within our Music Video as our wider audience would be young female aspirers, meaning that they would potentially be influenced by the artists fashion choices, especially if their clothing is accessible on the high street. This is vital as it allows the artist to connect with their target audience- young females who predominantly spend their time searching for clothing in the traditional high street stores: River Island, Topshop and Office, as opposed to the designer brands e.g Dior, Chanel and Michael Kors, which are normally associated with the more mature, working woman.

Furthermore, setting is also a main point within the mise en scene of the music video. The locations in Katy B's location also accentuate that Urban feel e.g Brick Lane Market and a Brick Lane Cafe. This location is renowned for it's vintage/ urban renewal clothing and the social night-life that is available. Moreover, it is recognised that the location fro this video also applies to the aspiring audience, as well-known locations can be visited and recognised.

In our video, we aim to shoot at renowned locations: Southbank, Millenuim Bridge, Stratford and Spitalfields. As we want to shoot at night time we want the lights surrounding these areas to be prominent.

These locations are accessible for us and we feel that they are safe to film in. The concept of our video is to view our artist in the cty she lives in and knows, therefore these well-known locations will be identifiable to our audience. 
In terms of props we don't feel that they are necessary as we are merely introducing a new artist so the performance given will be very stripped back so that our target audience 15-25 year olds will be able to view the artist in a neutral way.  Although we plan to follow Goodwin's theory of disjuncture and there is no set narrative, we don't have to conform to a certain way of presenting our artist. However, we don't want to over complicate the audience, therefore no props will be used in our video.

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