Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Reflection On Our Pitch

-In todays lesson me and my group were the first ones to present our finished pitch to the class and our teacher Rebecca, Our pitch consisted of our final idea for our music video to Disclosures song- Boiling.It included information on when/where we would be filming and everything in between, such as costumes,setting,props along with other essential things such as our animatic our synergy idea and production schedule.
-Overall I believe our pitch went fairly well, i felt we included everything we needed to and gave enough examples to illustrate our ideas. A good time before the pitch everyone in our group was clear as to which part they had to present which really helped in terms of organisation as it meant there was no rush or confusion between any of us.
-However i also believe their was plenty of room for improvement. The thing we struggled the most with was the concept of our overall video, this was a problem as none of us was designated to do this therefore none of us had a fixed idea as to what it actually was. Although overall we had talked about it briefly before hand as a group i believe in the future we should double check and run through the whole pitch plenty of times before hand to prevent things like this happening.

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